Bewertungen Buena Vista - Frankfurt Innenstadt

Adresse: Große Eschenheimer Str. 13, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

Telefon: +49 69 90025835

Kerl: Spanisches Restaurant

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The restaurant serves Steaks and Fajitas in a stylish setting, allowing guests to grill their own meals at the table.

The restaurant offers a unique experience where guests can grill their own Steaks and Fajitas at the table, using a hot stone.

The restaurant features a rich Tapas menu, a lunch menu, a selection of fine wines, a large summer terrace, and an international atmosphere.

Yes, the restaurant offers live broadcasts of major events on a large screen, as well as a traditional Silvester menu.

The restaurant has a stylish and elegant atmosphere, with leather and wood accents, and tables with hot stones where guests can grill their own meals.

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